Complying to IS 2993 / IEC - 60252
(For Motors), IS 1709 (For Fans), IS 1569
(For Lighting Fixtures) and relevant
International Standards.
- 250VAC to 600VAC, 1 mfd t0150 mfd.
Applications :
- Lighting Fixtures.
- Motors, Pumps, Fans, Compressors.
- Aircon, Washers, Refrigerators.
- Generators / CVTs / UPS / Invertors.
- Manufactured using state-of-the art automatic computerised equipments.
- Multi layer Metallized polypropylene.
- Plastic or Aluminiumm can construction.
- Safety device construction available.
- Dual rating capacitors also available.
- UL, CSA, CE approvals for various ratings (on request).